We are committed to excellence in legal representation of all practices of law that we serve. PG电子官方平台注册有能力, 经验, and resources to successfully counsel all of our clients in an extensive variety of situational legal matters. This firm is small enough to be responsive on a personal basis, but big enough to handle any of your business needs.


信任 & 遗嘱

信托和遗嘱由信托组成, 货币市场, 生前预嘱, 遗嘱, 房地产管理, 遗产规划, 及相关法律事宜.


家庭 law consists of anything that has to do with the family: adoption, 离婚, 子女抚养权及其他相关法律事宜.


Business law consists of corporate and business planning, 兼并与收购, 劳动就业法s and related legal issues.

民事 & 商业

民事 and commercial law consists of general public law, 移民, 诉讼, and other related legal issues that you may have.


Our clients benefit from the ability of each practice group to draw upon the skills and talents of attorneys in the other groups for assistance with a particular problem or opportunity. We believe that an integrated team approach not only produces sound legal advice, but also helps achieve the optimum practical result for a client’s business or legal issues.


马修一个. Yeakey

马修一个. Yeakey


Matt joined 桑德斯 • Pianowski, LLP as an associate in 1990 and has been a partner since 1998. He received degrees from the University of 巴黎圣母院 (B.A., with honors, 1987) and 印第安纳州 University School of Law -- 印第安纳州polis (J.D., 1990)...

布莱恩J. 克拉克

布莱恩J. 克拉克


布莱恩得了B.S. degree in marketing from the School of Business at 印第安纳州 University- Bloomington and his JD degree from Valparaiso University. Brian is a member of the 印第安纳州 State and Elkhart City Bar Associations and the 遗产规划 Council of 埃尔克哈特县...

布拉德福德R. 碎片

布拉德福德R. 碎片

pg电子平台app新版下载,在印第安纳州注册合伙人, Michigan

布拉德是桑德斯皮亚诺斯基pg电子平台app新版下载事务所的合伙人, LLP and practices primarily in the areas of civil 诉讼, 劳动就业法, 公司及商业谘询, 债权人的权利, 人身伤害, 保险法与辩护, 以及上诉法...

林赛B. Pianowski

林赛B. Pianowski

pg电子平台app新版下载,在印第安纳州注册合伙人, Illinois, Michigan

林赛加入了桑德斯·皮亚诺夫斯基, LLP as an associate attorney in April 2011 and was promoted to Partner in January 2017.  林赛毕业于圣玛丽学院, 巴黎圣母院, 印第安纳州, 拥有化学学士学位.  林赛赢得了J。.D. 来自圣母大学法学院...

乔纳森·R. Slabaugh

乔纳森·R. Slabaugh


Jon became an associate attorney at 桑德斯 • Pianowski, LLP in March 2014 and was promoted to Partner on January 1, 2017.  He graduated from 印第安纳州 University-Bloomington, having earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Economic and Public Policy from the Kelley School of Business.  他获得了法学博士学位, 以优等成绩毕业者他来自圣路易斯大学法学院.

Saulo我. 戴尔嘎多

Saulo我. 戴尔嘎多

pg电子平台app新版下载,在印第安纳州注册合伙人, Michigan

索罗加入了桑德斯•皮亚诺斯基, LLP as an associate in October 2013 and was promoted to Partner on January 1, 2020. Saulo graduated in December 2007 from 印第安纳州 University-South Bend in South Bend, 印第安纳州, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. 他赢得了他的J。.D. 来自印第安纳大学的Robert H. 2012年5月毕业于麦金尼法学院...

艾琳·E. Bantz李

艾琳·E. Bantz李

pg电子平台app新版下载,在印第安纳州注册合伙人, Michigan

艾琳加入了桑德斯•皮亚诺斯基, LLP as an associate attorney in March of 2014 and was promoted to Partner in January 2021.  艾琳毕业 优等生 2010年从圣玛丽学院毕业, 在巴黎圣母院, 印第安纳州, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.  艾琳赢得了J。.D. from the 印第安纳州 University Maurer School of Law in 2013...

灰吕T. Lankford

灰吕T. Lankford


Garrick recently joined 桑德斯 Pianowski and practices in intellectual property with a focus on patent drafting and 诉讼.  加入桑德斯 Pianowski之前, Garrick was a partner at a boutique IP firm in South Bend where he prosecuted design and utility patents, represented plaintiffs and defendants in patent infringement 诉讼, 起草许可和和解协议, and drafted trademark applications and oppositions.

Dennis J. 林

Dennis J. 林

在印第安纳州有pg电子平台app新版下载执照, Michigan, and New York

丹尼斯加入了桑德斯·皮亚诺斯基, LLP in December 2021 after working as an attorney in New York for over eight years. 他的法律背景多种多样, having represented clients on matters involving matrimonial and family law, 破产, 房地产, 就业歧视, 电信, 刑法, 医疗事故, 上诉, 一般民事诉讼.


米切尔年代. 抢

米切尔年代. 抢

在印第安纳州有pg电子平台app新版下载执照, Michigan

Mitchell joined 桑德斯 • Pianowski, LLP as an associate attorney in October of 2023. Mitchell graduated from Purdue University in 2018 with Bachelor of Science degrees in Business Management and Marketing. 从普渡大学毕业后, Mitchell worked in various roles in agriculture before returning to graduate school where he earned his Juris Doctor, 优等生, from the University of Toledo College of Law in May of 2023.

科里C. Hildebrandt

科里C. Hildebrandt


Cory joined 桑德斯 • Pianowski, LLP in January of 2024. 他赢得了他的J。.D. from the Michigan State University College of Law in 2022 and holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance from 印第安纳州 University.

While attending law school, Cory interned at the St. Joseph County Prosecutor’s Office and as a Summer Associate at a northern 印第安纳州 law firm.

罗伯特T. 桑德斯

罗伯特T. 桑德斯

Bob retired from law practice on September 26, 2016 after a long distinguished career.  He was associated with the firm of 桑德斯 • Pianowski, LLP for more than forty years.

During the course of his successful career Bob practiced in all local and federal courts, and had extensive 经验 in major jury and bench trials in 人身伤害, 商业诉讼和产品责任

迈克尔一个. Pianowski

迈克尔一个. Pianowski

Mike Pianowski retired from the practice of law as of August 30, 2022 after 43 years with the firm.

Mike was admitted to the bar in 1979 and spent his entire legal career at 桑德斯 • Pianowski, LLP. 在进入pg电子平台app新版下载行业之前, he was a bank loan officer and a credit manager in private industry. He focused his practice in the areas of 遗产规划, 商业法和兼并与收购, 他是这些领域的权威.

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